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  1. X-GOVUK projects
  2. GOV.UK Components
  3. Phase banner

Phase banner

Use the phase banner component to show users your service is still being worked on.

Phase banner with text arguments


= govuk_phase_banner(tag: { text: "Alpha" }, text: "This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it. ")
<%= govuk_phase_banner(tag: { text: "Alpha" }, text: "This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it. ") %>


This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

<div class="govuk-phase-banner">
  <p class="govuk-phase-banner__content">
    <strong class="govuk-tag govuk-phase-banner__content__tag">
    <span class="govuk-phase-banner__text">
      This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it. 

Phase banner with block


= govuk_phase_banner(tag: { text: "Alpha" }) do
  | This is a new service, your

  = govuk_link_to("feedback", "#")

  | will help us improve it.
<%= govuk_phase_banner(tag: { text: "Alpha" }) do %>This is a new service, your
  <%= govuk_link_to("feedback", "#") %>
  will help us improve it.
<% end %>


This is a new service, your feedback will help us improve it.

<div class="govuk-phase-banner">
  <p class="govuk-phase-banner__content">
    <strong class="govuk-tag govuk-phase-banner__content__tag">
    <span class="govuk-phase-banner__text">
      This is a new service, your<a class="govuk-link" href="#">
      will help us improve it.

Phase banner with custom tag colour


= govuk_phase_banner(tag: { text: "Warning", colour: "pink" }, text: "This is a test environment, don't enter any real data")
<%= govuk_phase_banner(tag: { text: "Warning", colour: "pink" }, text: "This is a test environment, don't enter any real data") %>


This is a test environment, don’t enter any real data

<div class="govuk-phase-banner">
  <p class="govuk-phase-banner__content">
    <strong class="govuk-tag govuk-tag--pink govuk-phase-banner__content__tag">
    <span class="govuk-phase-banner__text">
      This is a test environment, don't enter any real data